Marvel Collection

marvel dooles collection 2

Have you ever thought about the role of superhero or superheroine? All that superpowers, villains, cool gadgets, saved people, etc. are an inevitable part of a superhero’s life. Do you think this is all for you? Well, you have a great opportunity to check it and try it yourself. So, put on your superhero or heroine costume, and let’s save your Chrome extension from the boringness first.

Marvel Comixes and superheroes accordingly are one from the huge amount of other comixes universes. And we will talk about Marvel today! So, Marvel was launched by Martin Goodman in 1939. Very symbolic is that Marvel’s first superhero was Human Torch. Since his appearance, Marvel Comix began its bright route in conquering the world. However, talking about Marvel and don’t mention Stan Lee would be blasphemy. His name became a synonym of the Marvel Universe! Stan Lee created lots of iconic characters like X-Men, Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four, and many-many others. Thus, there are superheroes and heroines for any...

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