pokemon bulbasaur doodle

Pokemon Bulbasaur Doodle

Bulbasaur is one of the three First partner pokemon. It’s a very obedient, and tame Pokemon. So, that’s why maybe he is so popular among young trainers. Bulbasaur is a frog-like Pokemon with a plant bulb on his back. This bulb works as a weapon and a kind of battery because it absorbs sunlight and when enough energy is accumulated Bulbasaur can evolve into Ivysaur. Usually, Bulbasaur’s are rare and hard-found Pokemon, but you’re lucky because you have the chance to add this cool Pokemon gif to your extension right now.

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Greetings wanderer in the world of custom doodles. To use these arts as a Doodle on the Google Chrome Homepage you need to get our extension.

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