It’s cool cartoon doodles time! Take your sword, and let’s fight the monsters, I mean monsters of boringness. No one can’t stand against SpongeBob’s spontaneity and Homer Simpson’s wisdom. I think even Homer can’t deal with the last one) But who was before Homer and Flinstones? What was the first cartoon look like? Sit back, we’re about to start…3…2…1…
It was hot August 1908 when, the Gaumont company (yes Oggy and the cockroaches creator) released the world’s first fully animated cartoon called Fantasmagorie, created by Emile Cohl. And it was only the beginning… Then Walt Disney created one of the most famous hand-drawn characters – Mikkie Mouse in 1928. After that in the 1940s, Tom and Jerry met each other at Hanna-Barbera animation company and began their confrontation. Further, like a katana cutting through the air, Osamu Tezuka invented a unique style of anime in 1958 in Japan. And the last but not least 1989 – The Simpsons creation. It’s the longest-running animated tv show ever. Hi, diddly ho Matt Groening!
We all come from childhood, and cartoons are in our veins. Сonsequently it was like a challenge to create an awesome cartoon doodle ideas and embody them into this collection. It seems like our inner child is the main critic and motivation to perform this project as well as possible. Let’s check how well did we do it.
Futurama Hypnotoad Doodle – It’s a very popular doodle from the Futurama animation…All glory to the Hypnotoad!
Do you want to see how our team goes to work to create new collections for your New Tab Extension? Add this Teen Titans Go Beast Boy Running Doodle and you’ll see)
Martin had a dream…Kendrick has a dream…! Oh, sorry! I’ve just found this Batman and Robin Headbanging Doodle extremely similar to the photo where I and my friend listen to Kendrick for the first time.
You can find many other fantastic and well-known cartoon gifs in this collection.
It’s doesn’t matter if you 12 or 98 years old. If you sing along to the captain from SpongeBob or can tell Patty from Selma or name the Raphael weapon this Cartoons Doodles collection is right for you. Add it to your Google Chrome New Tab extension and…That’s all Folks!