Anime Collection

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Have you ever thought about the difference between Hitmonchan and Sharingan or Kodomo and Usagi? Or maybe you think chibi-chibi is the favorite Kakashi soup? Either “Yes” or “No” answer but our cool anime doodles may remove the veil of secrecy by being added to the New Tab extension. Today the path will take you to the far and mysterious east, to the land of the rising sun – Japan.

After the animation was invented and came to Japan, it began transformation according to cultural features, like manga and others. The anime itself was born exactly here in Japan, the land of ancient traditions and super modern technologies. By the way, both these aspects made a significant contribution to the anime world. Let’s skip the earlier period of genre formation, leave it for history, and move to the 1960s and Osamu Tezuka, also known as the god of manga and anime. This cartoonist laid the foundations of modern anime, in particular large and super-expressive eyes (the highlight of...

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